What gear should I bring and is there any gear provided?

You are more than welcome to bring all of your own gear that you wish, however we do provide all necessary gear for our clients.  This is a unique fishery and as such as use gear specialized towards that end.  Because of this we provide all gear as needed.  Echo S3 rods, Galvan Torque reels, Airflo shooting head lines, and stripping buckets for line management are all provided as needed. Leader material and a huge selection of appropriate flies are also provided. Waders are not necessary for these trips, however they can be worn for extra warmth/dryness. If you decide to wear waders please make sure to bring your own as this is one piece of gear we do not supply.

How should I dress for a day on the Sound?

Weather here on Puget Sound varies greatly throughout the course of the year.  It also varies greatly throughout the course of the day.  We suggest all customers wear multiple warm layers, as you can remove layers as needed.  Even on warmer days it can get chilly cruising around the sound at 20 knots. Rain and wind is simply a fact of life for the Puget Sound fly angler so we suggest all customers bring quality rain gear and/or a wind blocking jacket. A stripping glove for your rod hand is also recommended to avoid line cuts that often happen when stripping line in the saltwater.

Am I going to get sea sick?

The short answer is no, probably not.  Puget Sound is a protected inland water way that is not subject to ocean swell.  Ocean swell is what tends to cause most people to get sea sick.  There can and will be wind chop present on Puget Sound depending on the day, so the ride can get a little bumpy at times with a bit of spray on those windier days. While we have yet to have anyone get sea sick on a Puget Sound trip, we understand that some people are much more susceptible to motion sickness, so if you are at all worried we suggest taking Dramamine or some form of motion sickness medication starting the NIGHT BEFORE your trip.  It’s important to get this stuff in your system well in advance.


Can I keep a fish for the dinner table?

Here at South Sound Skiffs we are strictly a catch and release guide service.  All Puget Sound marine area waters are regulated as catch and release for sea run cutthroat year round. We believe catch and release is the only way to sustain such a quality fishery.


Can I expect to catch anything but sea run cutthroat?

While sea run cutthroat is our focus we do encounter bi-catch.  All five species of Pacific Salmon, rockfish, flounder and sculpin all inhabit the same waters we are targeting for cutthroat, so we do encounter other species of fish.  While we are not targeting these fish its always a pleasant surprise to land a new species while fishing for cutthroat.  As with cutthroat, we are strictly catch and release with all other species of bi-catch

How many fish can I expect to catch in a day?

While we’d love to be able to provide a number of guaranteed fish for each client, the simple fact is that is not possible.  At the end of the day, it’s fishing and there are so many factors out of our control. To give any sort of number for an expected catch would be unfair.  That said, each and every day we have plenty of opportunities to catch fish, and we will work as hard as humanly possible to insure you are able to maximize these opportunities.